At the beginning of the class, I did set up three learning object for myself:

  1. I want to learn to use new technology to expand my knowledge of self-expression & self – discoveries
  2. I wish to discover the possibilities of incorporating technology into my art classroom learning
  3. I wish to see how technology can have an impact on society that is under my creation & imagination.

Throughout the class I am able to express my ideas, feelings, and values through using all kinds of different medias – video, sound, animation, collage, 3D, and coding. Along the way, I do have technical difficulties (unfamiliar with the apps), but no matter how hard it can be, I tried my best to solve the issues and represent the best creative outcome.

I also tried to link the experience that I had with the new media to art education in my future classroom, for example, using video in the classroom can give everybody the chance to learn about each other – cultural, and experiences that others is come from; this can promote or create a respect classroom environment.

From all the modules that I have done, I feel like I am little bit lacking in personal reflection and growth. In other words, I still need to be more creative and braveness to think outside of the box and try out to see how to positively use technology to impact the students and community in large. For example, when an assignment comes up, I make always make the assumption of identity subconsciously without think broadly about how to use identity to impact others through both traditional and technical art making.

I did collaborated and engaged in collaborative art making and share my ideas and knowledge with other peers, and provided feedback when is needed. I feel like discuss ideas with peers is a great way to learn about new ideas/ different perspectives, and promote creations. From the discussion in group, I found that using existing research can further bolster imagination and support learning, and I did start to do research for the operation of the new media.

Journal (weekly post) have kept my process and experiences that I had with the form of the new media. In the journal, I try to be descriptive, clear and meaningful as I could. I also tried to connect my personal understanding of the media, and considering about how to incorporated it in to art classroom/ curriculum. For each weekly post, I also try to see how it can bring an impact to the society in large.
