Kenny Schachter: Everything is devoted with passion!

Kenny Schachter, a person that lives life with great enthusiasm, has the courage to try out many different things throughout his life. He is a dealer, an artist, a curator, and a buyer. With his enthusiasm, Schachter brings all kinds of aspects into single topic discussion. He mentions that, “Everything I do is with passion”. Based on the 90 minutes discussions we had with him, he is so talkative. His passion leads him to provide all amazing thoughts not only about art, but in every job he does. From the discussions, it is surprising to see Schachter providing all perspectives, such as economic, industrial, business, market, technology and art perspectives. He helped me see the connections between them. 

Working in so many roles sometimes can be super difficult, however, Kenny Schachter managed to conquer all the roles and responsibilities and was able to gain success in each of them. Now he is a teacher. I asked him the question, “Which roles are most difficult or most important to you?”. He replies, “I love to teach and I love to make art, and I love to communicate with people and get feedback from people.” From his answer, I see his passion in teaching and making arts, and these two things stand out as important things for him. I am wondering if I devoted all my passion to the things that I am doing right now. I think in the future, I should be passionate like him and continue to find connections in the things I learned. 

Schachter mentions that “everyone in the art market wants to know: where is the artist showing? Who’s buying it? Who’s selling it? How many shows are they in? This continues to be the hardest part of Schachter’s career to this day.” Because he loves the art market, even though he gets paid the minimum for selling art, so he has to constantly come up with novel ways to make a living. Kenny Schachter also brought up the issue of the art market today. People who’re buying the art seem to be very sheepish.He gives out this example: “someone wants it at $5000 for a piece of artwork, nobody is interested; at $50,000 people start to talk about it, and when it is half a million people all want it”. He says that he does not have time or the inclination to live a life like this. What he is trying to do over the past 30 years is craft the art market. To this issue, I think he is definitely correct. People are so eager to seek some piece of art that is expensive and done by a well-known artist, but this shouldn’t be the way the art market should be operating. I think the art market should be a market where people are willing to buy the art piece they like no matter who’s selling it, how much it is.

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