‘True Believers’: A Portrait of an Artist Not to Be Underestimated

For hundreds of years, we can see racism, sexism, and xenophobia in their cultures in many different countries. People have been continuously seeking equality and justice; the minority groups are trying to find their way to express their voice. Art can be a tool to point out or demonstrate unfair issues in the culture, and in small communities or in a broader context from the political perspective. 

Artworks reveal issues in society, and they can remind us to consider those issues seriously. For example, a painting that targets the issue of racism. As we look at the work, we think through this issue, and the piece would lead us to question ourselves. Am I racist? Do I demonstrate certain behaviors that caused me to look like a racist? Did I treat others correctly? and etc. 

Art can be a method that continuously reminds us of society’s issues instead of a quick point out. For example, the white police man pressed his knees on George Floyd’s neck and caused George Floyd’s death. This led to protests, and people are fighting for justice for black lives. I think this is a short term effect. People can forget justice very fast. Art is different; it is always there in the long run, continually raising the same issue repeatedly. It can be going on for centuries without stopping. 

Video Drawings: Boxing, 1976
Video Drawings: Hockey, 1975

Howardena Pindell, is a black artist that explores themes of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. She targeted the issues that she was suffering from an early age. Howardena Pindell has been focused on those issues for a long time and her artwork represents the issues that she is trying to address. 

In her artwork, we see a personal narrative. For example, the piece called “Boxing” was done in 1976. The athlete in the painting is there fighting for his identity, fighting for his race. He seemed to be ready for all the controversy that would be against him. This painting makes me think about individualism; everybody that lives in this world has their uniqueness. Everybody should have the right to receive equality and justice.

Who Do You Think You Are? One of Us! 1991-1992

Another piece that caught my attention is the piece called “Who do you think you are?”In this piece, we can see the multiple settings or places included in one large circle. The circle makes me think of the earth as human beings; we are sharing this earth. We are tiny individuals that live on this earth; we share this earth with all others. We should all be united together to create a harmonious society without racism, sexism, and xenophobia because we live on this earth. 

From Howardena Pindell’s artwork, I consider my behaviors more. I hope others are thinking about their behavior too. One day, we can reach no racism, no sexism, and no xenophobia in any countries, societies, and communities. 

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