Week 6 – Creative Coding

For creative coding project, I try to show my personal identity and what is important to me through scratch. When I am creating the coding, I do have some troubles along the way. For example, when I click on “N”, the picture of my cat won’t show up or the “N” would not come back after the cat is being hidden. I do have to logically think through the process and solve the problem. By creative coding, I felt a person should contain or own the resilience, persistency, and motivation to commit to a task.

This project let me think about my personal learning objective of how to use other artistic creations to explore the question of “who am I?” – realizing my own conscious and subconscious ideas that existed inside of me. Throughout Scratch coding, I realized that now technology is not only a tool to get knowledge, but also can be a tool for self-expression and get to know others. I think it is a wonderful tool for my future students to express themselves. This project also told me that digital creations can in some ways anonymous and create an equal, justice environment for everybody, I wonder if the young generations of children are feeling the same way.

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