Week 1 – Digital Storytelling Collage

In my words, “College digitally can promote self understanding by incorporating images that are important to me subconsciously”. In this collage image, I embodied the elements that are essential to my life currently and I also blend in traditional art from my culture. Furthermore, this image also contains the element of nature that is a remarkable memory to me.  This bolstered my consideration of my own identity, traditional cultural art – my current interest, and my center of environmental protection. 

In my words, “Digital art is all about trying”. Digital art and storytelling is about trying and experimenting with different things (image) that we like, I feel throughout trying and nothing related to the end product. This is different from traditional art (drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramic) because this is trying – collaging without thinking about where I am heading to, unlike the traditional works of art in knowing what the final product is going to look like. 

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