Week 2 – Digital Storytelling Video

Storytelling Through Video

This Project happens during my trip returning to my hometown. After viewing my different kinds of daily vlog video, I decided to replicate a similar one to record my life in my hometown. In the video, I included the people I hung out with that are essential to me who supported me along the way. I also included food and culture elements.

Through this project, I realized that the creation of video can be a powerful tool in education. Video (technology) can be connected to culture, personal experiences, social interactions, and self identity. I wonder: if I have my students record their daily life, what will they record? Will they realize things that they never find out about them? What kind of cultural experience would they show? Also, I realized that video can be a tool that help me and other student peers to know about the students / peers directly, such as where he/she come from, what kind of experience he/she have, and what he/she like to do in daily life, etc. This can in some ways promote a better classroom environment.

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