Week 3 Digital Storytelling Sound

Digital Storytelling through Sound!!

This sound track contains combination of sound, including my memories in the past ,and experiences that happens currently. In the sound track, I also include the hope of future, the sound of flowing water, the tweet of the bird; from those sound I try to express the idea of I wish myself can be more calm in the future when I might problems along the way. Furthermore, I also wish I can use both traditional art and new technology to pass on the idea that we need to save the world’s environment down the road.

From this module, I noticed the creation of sound can also have an impact in education, for example, it can be a powerful tool to guide to a problem that happens in the society and bring people attention to realize the issue. Also, through this module, I realized sound can also be therapeutic, it can make one physically and psychologically relaxed. I think it can be incorporated in the classroom, for example, I can have the students to draw their favorite music, I feel this can enhance student’s motor intelligence and creative/imagination intelligence.

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